Fire Resistant glass manufacturing by Resin

Fire Resistant glass manufacturing by Resin

Fire Resistant glass

Fire Protection Glass products offered by Agha safety glass, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of glazing for transparent fire resistant glass. fire resistant glass is represented in several hundred fully tested and approved glazing systems. This includes doors and partitions of various framing materials and designs, facades and roof glazing and more recently even the first fire-resistant sliding doors and window glass.

Fire safety requirements for the protection of human life and property, transparent fire- Resistant glazing Comes into play. Fire glass is a product which is designed to be used in gas fireplaces to mask the housing of the gas jets and to help reflect light and heat. It is designed as an alternative to the rocks and fake logs which are often used in gas fireplaces. Numerous companies make and sell fire glass, and consumers should be aware that because there are some safety concerns involved with glass, they should purchase this product from a Reputable company.

Our company tested all product it will be able to withstand high temperatures and prolonged exposure to heat.

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